Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday, 8-11-08, update...

We saw the ophthalmologist again this morning and the ulcer is taking it's sweet time to close. We are going to try a different plan of medication to heal it. It is improving but not at the rate the Doctor expected or would like to see. After that appointment, we went to the burn clinic to meet with Dan's physical medicine doctor, who is like a physical therapy doctor and deals with pain related issues, as well as bone, ligament, tendon, and basic structural issues. (All went fine with this appointment.)

The great part about this is that Dan's plastic surgeon, Dr. Thomas, happened to come by the room and check on Dan. The good news is that he got the stitches in his forehead and scalp removed. However, Dan has been having a lot of pain in his left shoulder, (where he had a tissue expander implanted.) We had been noticing a lot of bruising on the left side even after the right side had cleared up. Dr. Thomas looked at it and said there was a hematoma there and that we should be using heat to help it be resorbed. This is of concern because if this does not go away with this treatment, they will have to surgically remove the tissue expander and clean out the tissue in his shoulder. The shoulder will then have to heal and the tissue expander re-placed.
This will definitely be a setback and we appreciate any and all prayers.

We will see Dr. Thomas again on Thursday and will have another update (and hopefully a surgery date) that evening.

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