Sunday, August 3, 2008

Dan's Home...

Hi All,
Well, yesterday afternoon, Dan was released from the hospital. He is home and resting as comfortably as possible. Friday he was joking that he wanted to go to church today (Sunday), but that really is not going to happen...those drugs wore off:) He is looking much better, swelling continues to go down.

We go for a check up on Tuesday and we will be scheduling his next surgery either Tuesday or Friday. I believe that it will be in 2-3 weeks. The next surgery will consist of releasing his left eyelid, "tweaking" his nose (those are the Dr.'s words) and closing the large bald spot on his head. This one should be about 1-2 hours, as opposed to the 5 hour surgery he had earlier this week.

We continue to covet your prayers as we are still just at the beginning of this stage of surgeries. Pain control continues to be a big issue. Thank you.


a day in frames said...

Good to hear Dan is home! How are you holding up?
Take care of yourself girl! They all need your strength!
Praying for God's strength to engulf you and His peace, healing, and rest to wrap around Dan.

Tamara said...

Great Pictures! I love them! Thanks for sharing!