Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pictures of the house!

One of the adaptations made was an extended covered patio

The view out the front


ellen said...

Which room is mine?!
Love it; it's awesome and we are so happy for your family! hope you feel better soon!

Amy said...

Are you serious? That house is AMAZING!!! I am so thrilled for you guys. And especially on the newest addition. I'm jealous... I've gotta catch up :)

Kitson Family said...

Wow!!! Can't wait to come visit. It is a gorgeous home.

Rudy said...

I am SO happy to have found your blog a few months ago! I am so happy, and so thankful, and...well, praise God, Teal. He's amazing and I'm so happy for you guys. March 25 is Anna's birthday, too. :)