Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Well, I certainly don't mean to offend anyone, but this evening on my way to CVS to get some Aquaphor for Dan (which I cannot find since we moved)... I noticed about 6 houses with Christmas lights up. I just thought it strange...The beginning of November? I will probably have decorations up the weekend before Thanksgiving, but now? I am a bit surprised, especially since I was eating candy that I stole from my kids Halloween baskets that are sitting on our counter:)


ellen said...

It says a lot, doesn't it, that we just "skip" Thanksgiving and go to Christmas. Love Christmas, but what happened to Thanksgiving!?!?!?
You should see my sixth graders trying to "sneak" candy the last two days in class. Like I can't smell, hear chomping or see blue, red, or green tongues! I am not THAT old!

Kitson Family said...

Well, in our neighborhood scary skeleton decorations are still up and Maddie keeps asking, "don't those people know halloween is over??" Sassy little thing leaves no room for error. It was so nice seeing you, just sad it was so short!